
Best Performance: Fuel & Train To Shred

An athlete’s goal is to achieve best performance. Optimal training and nutrition are key to improving performance and health. Athletes have rigorous training schedules. When focused on training, adequate recovery and nutrition are often compromised.

I’m fascinated in achieving one’s highest potential. The body and mind are incredible and adapt to any condition. What if you gave your body and mind the very best for training, recovery, and nutrition? How would you feel and how would you perform? That is what this blog “Best Performance” is all about!

My goal is to highlight proven sport science techniques to improve performance. I will emphasize include hydration, nutrition, sports nutrition, recovery techniques, and sport psychology. I’m stoked to delve deeper.

Learn food prep tips and tricks to simplify your routine. Try easy, healthy, and yummy recipes. Discover new outdoor adventures, retreats, and races. Read gear and product reviews. Explore breath work and mindfulness practices. What questions do you have for me?

Audrey Lee Audrey Lee

Recover Strong With Plant-Powered Nutrition

Plant-powered performance nutrition is the solution to inflammation, both acute and chronic. These anti-inflammatory foods contain antioxidants and polyphenols or protective compounds that naturally reduce inflammation.

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Audrey Lee Audrey Lee

Sports Nutrition For Paddling

Sports nutrition is where performance fueling comes to life. What you eat and drink, the amounts you eat and drink, and when you eat and drink all make a difference.

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Audrey Lee Audrey Lee

Easy & Delicious Vegan Chili

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae.

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Audrey Lee Audrey Lee

Balanced Nutrition For Best Performance

The key is balanced nutrition to nourish and energize your body to do its daily tasks and perform its best. To increase energy and improve performance, make your meals and snacks well balanced and nutrient dense.

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Audrey Lee Audrey Lee

Are You Hydrating For Best Performance?

Water is essential for an athlete's performance and health. Drinking too little water or losing too much through sweat can decrease your ability to train well and recover properly.

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Audrey Lee Audrey Lee

Recovery 101

Recovery is essential to best performance; however, it is also the hardest to do. As athletes, we are used to being active. For some reason taking a rest or even admitting that we are tired is a sign of weakness.

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Start your journey

Demand top performance from your body? Learn how to fuel for sustained energy throughout your day with foods that naturally speed recovery. Balance your training with restorative techniques.